Korallen, our home.

19 12 2010

Ayer fue el primer día que sentí que esto se acaba. Mi Erasmus continúa pero será muy diferente. Anoche tuve la sensación de vivir un dejà-vu. De nuevo, se volvió a organizar una cena con productos típicos de un país -Philippe preparó una estupenda degustación quebequiana. De nuevo, los bailes y los ligoteos dejaron paso a las conversaciones y a los grupitos, si bien, el «¿de dónde eres?» y «¿qué estudias?» se sustituyó por el «¿Que día te marchas?». De nuevo, una fiesta volvió a ser en una cocina pequeña y sin aviso previo. De nuevo, italianos y españoles, estuvimos juntos charlando en la cocina. De nuevo Korallen volverá a estar semi-desierta. Korallen se va quedando poco a poco oscura, poco a poco sin ruido. Ahora encuentro significado a la pintada inmortalizada en la Mediterranean Kitchen:

¿Qué significa Korallen?. What´s Korallen for the students?

«Korallen is a melting pot where lots of different nationalities live close and develop a unique culture mix. We eat, drink, party (and sometimes even sleep) together and learn about other cultures tastes, characters and tradition. This colourful and open-minded atmosphere is part of the reason that very special Erasmus experience.» Moritz

For Laura Luomaranta, her Erasmus would not be even half as good if she had chosen to live somewhere else.»I love the sense of community – the fact that you can find someone to talk to by just stepping out of your door. That is something I have never experienced in my home country, Finland. You never have to eat alone or be alone unless you want to. That’s what is great too. In your room there’s everyhting you need.»

The accomodation is a very big problem in this country. So, many people, as Ginevra Di Paola, «chose Korallen because was too difficult and complicated to find a room in Cph.» For her, originally that was my plan (live in cph)… «then i also considered that living in an apartment and living in a student hall was different.»

Hiroko Shibayama had a bad experience at first. «Honestly, my first impression for korallen was quite bad on the first day in korallen. this is because insects were infested in my room and cabinets, i had to sleep without blanket because of the stink of it. however, regardless of this bad situation, the other guys helped me kindly or invited me to the dinner, although my english was so bad. this is why i can survive until today^^ thank u sooooooooo much, guys!! nowadays, i can call korallen «my second home»,except for the problem of mice and insect.»

She has reason. You will have to live with insects your first days in the kollegium. I killed 17 little spiders in my room.

Finally, Mr Paolo Bergamelli sums it up nicely:

– it is too expensive (510 euros)
– it is in the middle of nowhere (15 min from Trekroner)
– you cannot experience copenhagen really, and now, after 4 months, i couldn’t say that I know very much cph

– great space of sociality: common kitchen,
– great parties, especially the 80’s party 🙂
– single room well equipped and comfortable
– i like the windows

Everyone  ends the same way: «It is unavoidable to have some problems when you live with new people (cleaining the kitchen, noise, …) but in anyway the advantages and more than the disadvantages, that if in a short period of 5-6 months.

Casi todos los estudiantes se van y el próximo semestre nuevos vendrán. Quedarse es tonteria y volverías a vivir lo mismo que ya viviste hace 4 meses. Tampoco soportaría ver a nueva gente en las habitaciones en las que durmieron tus mejores amigos. Hay sitios sagrados y si los profanan, prefiero no verlo.


